What is Energy Healing?

a diagram of the human energy system

A World of Energy

Nowadays, most of us are familiar with the idea that everything is energy but we rarely consider what this means. All of the material things around us which seem so solid are in reality anything but. Physical objects, our own bodies included, are in actuality in a never-ending dance of movement, flux and incredible dynamism. Whilst this perspective even now seems unfamiliar to Westerners it has been at the centre of many of the great traditions of Eastern thinking and spirituality for millennia. Practices such as Yoga, Tai Chi, Acupuncture, Shiatsu and many more all rely on an understanding of the body as a dynamic energy system yet go even further in that they understand that our emotions and thoughts are also energetic in nature and play an interconnected role in this holistic system.


Common to all these traditions is the idea that dis-ease ultimately stems from disruptions to the flow of our energy. Let us imagine a clean flowing river - should a section of the river become separated off from the main flow the water in that area will start to stagnate. This stagnant water will then give rise to conditions in which disease can flourish. We can think of our mental/emotional/physical energy system in the same manner. When a portion of our energy becomes separated off from the main flow the conditions are ripe for dis-ease (mental, physical & emotional).

What causes our energy to get blocked?

We do. Although we may do this in response to any number of external events or life situations it is always ultimately we ourselves (albeit subconsciously) that erect these barriers in resistance to feeling aspects of ourselves (our fear, grief, anger, shame etc).

Why Energy Healing?

An energy healer will help sense where the blockages are in your system. They will then assist you to resume a flow of energy to this area. It is important to stress that an energy healer does not fix you, they provide a safe, loving and supporting environment in which they assist YOU to feel lost and forgotten parts of yourself (remember we said that it is us ourselves who create our own blocks) and resume your own healthy flow of energy.

a diagram of the human energy system, depicting the emotional layers